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vistamom ...my husband my best friend
love horses .....love horseback riding ..horses.. they bring out the magic in you ..........
wild horses... I wanna be like you......

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Election – What does it mean ........

Everywhere people vote for the current government, hoping and believing for better government to run a country , yet democracy doesn’t provide that much changes as talk about, the promised that has never materialized.Thus,does voting rights means anything at all?

Life goes on and we are adamant, that changes brought about will benefit a broad mass rather than to the privileged few. Election comes and goes, becomes a rhetoric cycle ,and democracy is patented for the people, for the people to vote and the power of the people will be relinquished by the politicians to rule.Ultimately the power of the people is diminished and what is left is a government having total power over the people.Thus, does voting rights means anything at all?

What and why to vote????? if the mass have yet to suffer the consequences under the hands of the leaders they voted. In all, elections is a mere apparatus to self - declare their leadership,in the "bogus" name of democracy, for we all know this has never truly happened.Again and again we have been cheated, our rights to a true democratic elections have been denied, through all their dirty tactics.Thus, does voting rights means anything at all?

And now, election is at our door step once again, are we obligated to cast the same vote, to the same politician and to the same party once again ? How far does this, has to go on, rhetoric promises that finally proven to be empty and lies. Hope for the better,has turned to a nightmare when the standard of living goes soaring high beyond sustenance.Look everywhere, and nothing seems to be right, we, the people of this country are getting choked up, suffocated and distraught, and we finally can't take it anymore. Thus, we have decided to claim our rights to vote for the right leader to governed this country and to deny the current government it's two-thirds majority.Hoping that this will somehow reduce our disappointments. So now, we asked the same question again: Does voting rights means anything at all?

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!!!!!.LET'S WAKE UP! The people's power have to emerged to make a difference.

PEOPLE’S POWER – USE IT TO MAKE THE CHANGE – DENIES 2/3 MAJORITY.................This is the least we can do right now, even though we know how great the possibilities of we, being cheated again in this election!!!!Yet we must continue,to work our way until that day comes when our voting rights do reaaaaally means something.

Written by Abdullah Yahya (my dear husband)

Andai Ku Tahu - Pangkah BN Jadi Begini (Updated version)

About This Video

Added: February 08, 2008
Kita mampu melakukan perubahan! Nafi 2/3 majoriti BN. Kemenangan besar sebelum ini telah menjadikan mereka semakin zalim terhadap rakyat Malaysia.

Malaysia General Election 2008 News click here for more news!

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