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vistamom ...my husband my best friend

vistamom ...my husband my best friend
love horses .....love horseback riding ..horses.. they bring out the magic in you ..........
wild horses... I wanna be like you......

Sunday, January 27, 2008

How much is enough? ...........

Money,wealth,fame,power,status.........how much of these are enough?
Just as the world revolves, the conquest for money,wealth,fame,power,status is a never ending journey.People go to all means and extremes in their long quests .... hoping to satisfy their heart desires.Can these desires be really satisfied? How much is enough? Is there a way to measure these desires, or should we just go with,the more the better?Go all the way,no matter what.Isn't there,something,that says, for each action you undertake, there will be consequences that you will encounter?So,I guess,there will definitely,be consequence for those who go all the way to achieves these...money,wealth,fame,power status.....good consequences?, may be, possibly also bad ones..

I guess,there are a lot of us, who would define success as having abundance of all these...money,wealth,fame,power,status.....thus devoting their life, struggling to climb this ladder of success,till finally you are up there,only to find out, that, the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall,that is not the wall you want to be at, so the right wall.......which wall should that be???????

Life is so full of puzzle..May be ,the correct answer to the puzzle , will give us the answers to.....which is the right wall to climb,how much is enough? I guess we have to start by getting the right answers to all life's puzzles, before devoting ourselves in our life's conquest.May be then,we might have a better chance of achieving and enjoying the real success in life ....to live, to love and to leave a legacy...

A very dear friend and teacher once said this to me:
"There are three kinds of people,where money is concerned : First ,those who have money in their hands but not in their hearts,Second ,those who have money in their hands and in their hearts, and third,those who have not money in their hands but have money in their hearts"
*** hope to be in the first group of people...
*** the second group, a lot would fall into this group,
*** the third group,this is the worst kind of people,obsess with money that they do not possess.

Paul Grignon's 47-minute animated presentation of "Money as Debt" tells in very simple and effective graphic terms what money is and how it is being created. It is an entertaining way to get the message out. The Cowichan Citizens Coalition and its "Duncan Initiative" received high praise from those who previewed it. I recommend it as a painless but hard-hitting educational tool and encourage the widest distribution and use by all groups concerned with the present unsustainable monetary system in Canada and the United States.

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