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vistamom ...my husband my best friend

vistamom ...my husband my best friend
love horses .....love horseback riding ..horses.. they bring out the magic in you ..........
wild horses... I wanna be like you......

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Italian child recitate Al Quran Al Karim mashallah

indhnya qalamullah

budak kecik hafal Quran

Islam: Blind Student Reciting Qur'an

*Recitation begins at 02:30* Muhammad Islah is originally from Thailand and currently studies at Madrassa Noor for the Blind in South Africa, where he has completed memorization of The Holy Qur'an.

This short clip contains an incredibly beautiful recitation from Surah Ar-Rahmaan. It was filmed during his visit to a pioneering new radio station for the blind in Glasgow, UK.

youngest quran reciter

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Salima Feddaq from France converted to Islam

Convert to Islam from Canada

CNN reporter convert islam

american girl Angela converts to islam

Nicole Queen convert to Islam

"Pseudo gangster"cries when listening to Quran-Convert Islam

"Nightmares stopped after reading Quran" CONVERT TO ISLAM

Scientist From Czech Republic Converts To Islam -A Must See

British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

A German Physician and His Wife Converted to Islam

Italian German convert to Islam - English translation

"JUST THE QUR'AN, this is what convinced me!"- ISLAM CONVERT

Dr.Webber from England converts to ISLAM

Thousands of Danish convert to Islam

Yvonne Ridley explains why she converted to ISLAM
The british journalist Yvonne Ridley was detained by the Taliban and eventually, after reading the Quran, she converted to Islam.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Seni Silat Melayu Petir

These are some of the armature videos taken during one of their informal practice sections. This art of self - defense was passed down from my father in law to my husband, his brothers and to the grandchildren.I personally am very amazed and interested in this arts.

pernafasan silat petir

Rahsia permainan kayu petir

lawan kayu petir

Seni Silat Melayu Petir