Saturday, March 29, 2008
Robbers Remix Preview - upcoming SBS drama 2008
A fan made preview/tribute to the upcoming SBS drama "Robbers" done by yours truly.
Starring: Jang Hyuk and Lee Da Hae
Kwon Oh Joon (Jang Hyuk) is a suave swindler who can talk women into doing anything. He has made a business out of extorting money from his lovers.
He meets Jin Dal Rae (Lee Da Hae), an innocent, young single mom who has gone through a lot of trials in her life.
What was supposed to be his next prey, became the object of his affection.
Will love last or will this be another game for the player?
Premieres: January 2, 2008
Robbers - MV
****** to all korean drama lovers .. this is a new kdrama series...I watch it for the dramatic storyline,nice music and I have been studying korean language,so it is really fun to sometime watch the series without subtitles and trying to catch up with the language... however,it is kind of hard, to impossible, to find a movie or series that is completely to our liking.The presence of some scenes that are not religiously/ethically appropriate to us are always found.We simply have to practice lots of digressions here....our youngster, they should not be freely allowed to watch too much of these dramas,cos they are time consuming and possible of addiction is too high at risk.Strict parental supervision have to be observed,otherwise it could effect their educational and other performance.I guess, this also applies to all other form of entertainments......
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Takana Jo Kampuang (Traditional - Minang)
About This Video
I learnt this song while travelling in the Mina...
Added: March 30, 2007
I learnt this song while travelling in the Minangkabau region of West Sumatra. It is about someone who is homesick for his village - Kampuang - similar to "Kampong" in Bahasa Indonesia.
Here are the lyrics, as written out for me by a young lady from Minangkabau:
Kampuang den jauh di mato
Gunung sansay baku liliang
Takana jo kawan - kawan den lamo
Sangke basuliang - suliang
Pan duduk nyo nan elok
Nan suko bagotong royong
Sakit sanang samo-samo di raso
Den takana jo kampuang.
Takana jo kampuang
Ibu, ayah, adiak sadonyo
Rasu ma imbau-imbau den pulang
Den takana jo kampuang.
**** I kind find it, both fascinating and humorous, watching these videos especially the minangkabau songs..if you find the time plus interest in understanding other cultures and traditions, I believe that we could come to understand and appreciate other cultures besides ours, just as the malay saying that says "Tak kenal maka tak cinta" ..... that is "not knowing someone,how could love come about".....greeting people,getting to know people and interacting with people with a warmth and sincere heart should be a admirable way of conducting our live to love to leave a legacy ...... vistamom
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Election – What does it mean ........
Everywhere people vote for the current government, hoping and believing for better government to run a country , yet democracy doesn’t provide that much changes as talk about, the promised that has never materialized.Thus,does voting rights means anything at all?
Life goes on and we are adamant, that changes brought about will benefit a broad mass rather than to the privileged few. Election comes and goes, becomes a rhetoric cycle ,and democracy is patented for the people, for the people to vote and the power of the people will be relinquished by the politicians to rule.Ultimately the power of the people is diminished and what is left is a government having total power over the people.Thus, does voting rights means anything at all?
What and why to vote????? if the mass have yet to suffer the consequences under the hands of the leaders they voted. In all, elections is a mere apparatus to self - declare their leadership,in the "bogus" name of democracy, for we all know this has never truly happened.Again and again we have been cheated, our rights to a true democratic elections have been denied, through all their dirty tactics.Thus, does voting rights means anything at all?
And now, election is at our door step once again, are we obligated to cast the same vote, to the same politician and to the same party once again ? How far does this, has to go on, rhetoric promises that finally proven to be empty and lies. Hope for the better,has turned to a nightmare when the standard of living goes soaring high beyond sustenance.Look everywhere, and nothing seems to be right, we, the people of this country are getting choked up, suffocated and distraught, and we finally can't take it anymore. Thus, we have decided to claim our rights to vote for the right leader to governed this country and to deny the current government it's two-thirds majority.Hoping that this will somehow reduce our disappointments. So now, we asked the same question again: Does voting rights means anything at all?
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!!!!!.LET'S WAKE UP! The people's power have to emerged to make a difference.
PEOPLE’S POWER – USE IT TO MAKE THE CHANGE – DENIES 2/3 MAJORITY.................This is the least we can do right now, even though we know how great the possibilities of we, being cheated again in this election!!!!Yet we must continue,to work our way until that day comes when our voting rights do reaaaaally means something.
Written by Abdullah Yahya (my dear husband)
Andai Ku Tahu - Pangkah BN Jadi Begini (Updated version)
About This Video
Added: February 08, 2008
Kita mampu melakukan perubahan! Nafi 2/3 majoriti BN. Kemenangan besar sebelum ini telah menjadikan mereka semakin zalim terhadap rakyat Malaysia.
Malaysia General Election 2008 News click here for more news!
Life goes on and we are adamant, that changes brought about will benefit a broad mass rather than to the privileged few. Election comes and goes, becomes a rhetoric cycle ,and democracy is patented for the people, for the people to vote and the power of the people will be relinquished by the politicians to rule.Ultimately the power of the people is diminished and what is left is a government having total power over the people.Thus, does voting rights means anything at all?
What and why to vote????? if the mass have yet to suffer the consequences under the hands of the leaders they voted. In all, elections is a mere apparatus to self - declare their leadership,in the "bogus" name of democracy, for we all know this has never truly happened.Again and again we have been cheated, our rights to a true democratic elections have been denied, through all their dirty tactics.Thus, does voting rights means anything at all?
And now, election is at our door step once again, are we obligated to cast the same vote, to the same politician and to the same party once again ? How far does this, has to go on, rhetoric promises that finally proven to be empty and lies. Hope for the better,has turned to a nightmare when the standard of living goes soaring high beyond sustenance.Look everywhere, and nothing seems to be right, we, the people of this country are getting choked up, suffocated and distraught, and we finally can't take it anymore. Thus, we have decided to claim our rights to vote for the right leader to governed this country and to deny the current government it's two-thirds majority.Hoping that this will somehow reduce our disappointments. So now, we asked the same question again: Does voting rights means anything at all?
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!!!!!.LET'S WAKE UP! The people's power have to emerged to make a difference.
PEOPLE’S POWER – USE IT TO MAKE THE CHANGE – DENIES 2/3 MAJORITY.................This is the least we can do right now, even though we know how great the possibilities of we, being cheated again in this election!!!!Yet we must continue,to work our way until that day comes when our voting rights do reaaaaally means something.
Written by Abdullah Yahya (my dear husband)
Andai Ku Tahu - Pangkah BN Jadi Begini (Updated version)
About This Video
Added: February 08, 2008
Kita mampu melakukan perubahan! Nafi 2/3 majoriti BN. Kemenangan besar sebelum ini telah menjadikan mereka semakin zalim terhadap rakyat Malaysia.
Malaysia General Election 2008 News click here for more news!
About This Video
Added: February 15, 2008
Kepada penonton semua, sila sebarkan kepada ahli umno di kampung2 di bandar2. Kebanyakan orang tidak tahu kezaliman yang sedang dilakukan oleh pemimpin pilihan mereka.
Menunjukkan sebahagian daripada kegilaan dan kezaliman kerajaan BN. Merobohkan lebih kurang 300 rumah di Kampung Rimba Jaya Selangor dan Kampung Bujal Terengganu.
Diselitkan juga rintihan rakyat yang telah dizalimi
Firman Allah, Al-Baqarah ayat 114
Lebih kurang bermaksud:
Dan siapakah yang ,ebih zalim dari orang-orang yang menghalang dari nama Allah disebut didalam masjid lalu berusaha merobohkannya?? Mereka itu tidak pantas memasuki melainkan dengan perasaan takut (kepada Allah). Mereka mendapat kehinaan didunia dan di akhirat mendapat azab yang bera
cukup lah dengan sandiwara barisan nasional, rakyat sudah muak,INI masa untuk TUKAR KERAJAAN...
Kepada penonton semua, sila sebarkan kepada ahli umno di kampung2 di bandar2. Kebanyakan orang tidak tahu kezaliman yang sedang dilakukan oleh pemimpin pilihan mereka. Ayuh!!! Parlimen telah dibubarkan, mari kita tukar kerajaan zalim. InsyaAllah. Amin Ya Allah. Amin... Bersama kita berdoa memohon pertolongan Allah.
Election Blah Blah Blah by Comedy Court
Save Our Malaysia
Save Our Country 2

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university lecturer.Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.Offering his guests coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking and some expensive and exquisite, telling them to help themselves to hot coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said "If you noticed, all the nice-looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the better cups and are eyeing each other's cups."
"Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it."
(This a story I heard from someone)
I really don't know why I suddenly feel like posting this story, maybe the election fever is getting to me.... but, anyhow , a good cup of coffee doesn't seems bad at all.Oh! now I really need some coffee.......
And then there's this:
Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, they become destiny. Source: Back of book cover of Pearls of Wisdom
So,I'd say to reach your destiny requires a long process, and it begins right up there, changing the way you think would definitely be a good start.Do you think that this can also be applied to achieving our destiny where the ruling power or government is concerned???
.... vistamom - to live, to love, to leave a legacy ....
M For Malaysia : Past, Present & Future
(personally I think, this is kind of dramatised....but it's a good way to get the message through)
About This Video
Added: November 29, 2007
A true state of "Democracy" in Malaysia video, drawing parallels to the movie "V for Vendetta".
Malaysia Mis-information Minister claims that the General Election every 5 years means that we have democracy in Malayisia.
Democracy is more than having elections. Democracy is the freedom to peaceful gathering. Democracy is the freedom of speech. Democracy is the freedom to express opposing views.
There can be no democracy without elections.
But there can also be elections without democracy.
The administration of the Malaysian government is moving towards complete total hegemonic domination which makes it no difference to the dictatorship of Chancellor Adam Sutler in the movie "V For Vendetta".
Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch commented "Prime Minister Badawi claims to be a reformer, but when it comes to holding onto power, he and his party make one set of rules for themselves and another for everyone else."
It's time for political reform in Malaysia. Vote for change.
People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people.
*** notes from vistamom : All these posts that I have selected from various sources are meant to provide readers of my blog,with materials about upcoming elections.My deepest appreciations and thanks to all that have done such great jobs..... all that I am doing is to help spread this around ***
click here for more information:
Monday, March 3, 2008
animals love to hear quran
Animals Love Qur'an (nasheed - For children)
Dawud Warnsby Ali
There was a chipmunk climbing up a tree,
I stopped to look at him and he stopped to look at me.
When I said “hello”, he didn’t understand and he went to run away,
I recited from Qur’an and he decided to stay.
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah created animals, Allah created Man
And then sent a book to guide us all,
Even animals love Qur`an
Sitting at the window to ponder at the sky,
I saw a little bird as it flew by.
I recited from Qur’an and it wasn’t very long
’til the bird sat near my window and it started to sing along.
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah made the chipmunks and the birds, Allah created Man,
And then sent a book to guide us all,
Even animals love Qur`an
Playing in the yard on a warm, sunny day
A shy little kitten watched me play.
I bent down to pat her on the head but I think she was scared of me,
I recited from Qur’an, she smiled and brushed against my knee
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah made the chipmunks, birds and cats, Allah created Man
And then sent a book to guide us all,
Even animals love Qur`an
Animals love to hear Qur’an, try it out some day
They’ll stop to listen carefully to every word you say.
Allah created animals, Allah is Ar-Rahman
and sent a book to guide us all
Even animals love Qur`an.
Allah made horses and dogs and bats and camels and gnats,
and pigs and cows and spiders and chickens and elephants and crocodiles,
and dolphins and monkeys and beaver and sheep and lions and zebras and whales and
emu and…
Hey! Hey! What’s an emu?
I don’t know!!
...But even animals love Qur’an!
~Colors of Islam~
Colours of Islam
Allah made us all a different shade and colour.
Nations and tribes recognize one another!
’cause every single person is your sister or brother.
So many different colours of Islam.
Fill the world with colour, paint it everywhere you go.
Paint everything you see, and tell everyone you know.
Qur’an will be your paint, and your brush will be iman,
So fill the world with colour, every colour of Islam.
Truth as clear and blue as the sky we walk under.
Love as bright and loud as the lightening and thunder.
Peace as pure and white as the moon, so full of wonder.
So many different colours of Islam!
Fill the world with colour, paint it everywhere you go.
Paint everything you see, and tell everyone you know.
Qur’an will be your paint, and your brush will be iman,
So fill the world with colour, every colour of Islam.
Smiles, warm and shining, like the sun upon our faces.
Hope as rich and green as the trees of an oasis.
The colours of our faith bloom in so many places.
So many different colours of Islam
Fill the world with colour, paint it everywhere you go.
Paint everything you see, and tell everyone you know.
Qur’an will be your paint, and your brush will be iman,
So fill the world with colour, every colour of Islam.
What did I do Today? bye Dawud Wharnsby Ali
What Did I Do Today? (nasheed)
Oh the moon has come, the day is done,
the night has covered up the sun,
I have stood so often before you to pray,
but I wonder Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I remember the words of Al-Fatihah?
Did I take time to thank you for all that I have?
Did I call on you to guide my way?
Tell me what did I do today?
I have whispered to you as I made Ru’ku
Subhana Rabey’yal Adheem.
But was my faith bright or grey?
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I smile at my brother?
Was I kind to my Mother?
Did I teach another something I know?
Or did my love of this world lead me astray?
Tell me what did I do today?
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabbana Lakal Hamd.
Sami Allah hu liman hamida
Rabbana Lakal Hamd.
Though I’ve bowed to you with my face in the dust,
Subhana Raby’yal a`la.
The blessings you give I could never repay.
Oh Allah, tell me, what did I do today?
Did I use my time?
Did I use my mind?
If I search my heart what will I find?
The light of your guidance is a glimmering ray,
Tell me, what did I do today?
Oh Allah, Tell me what did I do today?
Sing Children of the World - Dawud Wharnsby
Sing, Children of The World
Walking through the crowded streets, of a market in Morocco
Sitting on a smiling camel, in the desert of Arabia
Chasing ’round the bamboo trees of Bandung, Indonesia
Gathering brightly coloured leaves, in a forest of Canada
Napping beneath the date palm shade, under blue skies of Tunisia
Freeing kites into the night from a roof-top in Pakistan.
Planting rows of beans and maize, on a small farm in Uganda
Laying back to count the stars, from somewhere in Afghanistan
Sing, Children of the World! Come together and hear the call.
Sing, Children of the World! Our youth will unite us all.
Sing, Children of the World! Come together and hear the call.
Sing, Children of the World! The truth will unite us all.
Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu Akbar
Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu Akbar
Splashing through the pouring rain, in a village of Guyana
Nibbling cakes from picnic plates, on a mountaintop in Switzerland
Tending to a flock of sheep, down under in Australia
Greeting morning with a prayer, on the golden Egyptian sand
Sing, Children of the World! Come together and hear the call.
Sing, Children of the World! Our youth will unite us all.
Sing, Children of the World! Come together and hear the call.
Sing, Children of the World! The truth will unite us all.
Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu Akbar
Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu Akbar
Crying himself to sleep, with no hope left for dreaming
Begging in the burning sun, holding out her hand.
Palms held tightly on his ears, to muffle all the screaming
Sitting where here house once stood, trying hard to understand.
See the children of the World
…all the children of the World
Sing for the children of the World, pray for the children of the world
Sing, Children of the World! Come together and hear the call.
Sing, Children of the World! Our youth will unite us all.
Sing, Children of the World! Come together and hear the call.
Sing, Children of the World! The truth will unite us all.
Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu Akbar
Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wallahu Akbar
Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Background information
Birth name David Wharnsby
Born June 27, 1972 (1972-06-27) (age 35)
Origin Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Genre(s) Folk, world, country
Occupation(s) Singer-songwriter, music producer, poet
]Instrument(s) Acoustic guitar, electric guitar, mandolin, banjo, bazouk, oud, daff/bodhran, bongos, djembe, clarinet, tin whistle
Years active 1991–present
Label(s) Enter Into Peace, Beloved Musika, Sound Vision
Associated acts Idris Phillips, Zain Bhikha, Yusuf Islam, Sami Yusuf, Dale Marcell, Stephen Fearing, Danny Thompson, Irshad Khan
Dawud (David) Wharnsby Ali (born June 27, 1972) is a Canadian singer-songwriter, poet, performer, educator and television personality. He is best known for his pioneering efforts in the musical/poetic genre of English Language nasheed. Dawud Wharnsby is also lyricist, vocalist and guitarist of the folk music duo Dawud & Idris, alongside composer Idris Phillips.
Born in Kitchener, Ontario in 1972, David Wharnsby became active in local theatrical productions during his early teens, first performing on a world class theater stage at the age of 18 in a production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" (Annas). Other significant stage work of his late teens included roles in "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" (Schroeder (Peanuts)) and "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead".
At the age of 19 Wharnsby began performing throughout Southern Ontario as a solo musical artist and as a member of various musical groups. His first professional work as a musician was with folk quartet Crakenthorpe's Teapot, hired to perform on street corners of their hometown. Wharnsby traveled extensively throughout Ontario, England and Scotland with his guitar in 1993 and 1994 as a solo busker - singing informally on street corners and in parks to market and share his music. In 1993 he started his own independent recording entity, Three Keyed Maple Seeds, which in 1996 was re-named Enter Into Peace and registered with SOCAN as a music publishing entity.
During the early 1990's Wharnsby worked as a professional actor and puppeteer for two different educational theater troupes, touring public schools and folk festivals throughout Ontario. At the age of 20 he played lead in a short educational film "To Catch A Thief", distributed nationally in Canada to schools as part of the John Howard Society's anti-shoplifting program.
Wharnsby's first musical recording to see independent distribution, was a collection of cover songs entitled Three O'Clock Tea, recorded live in 1991 with the folk quartet Crackenthorpe's Teapot (Wharnsby / Corey Schmidt / Heather Chappell / Bill Kocher).
In 1993, Dawud (David) Wharnsby and fellow Crackenthorpe's Teapot vocalist Heather Chappell began touring and performing as a duo, releasing an independent album (Off To Reap The Corn) containing renditions of traditional Canadian and Irish folk music. The recording also featured Wharnsby's original lyrical adaption of the traditional song "The Black Velvet Band". His comical version "The Black Velvet Band As Never Before" is still sung in folk music circles.[1]
In 1994 the duo of Wharnsby and Chappell released a second independent recording through the Three Keyed Maple Seeds entity, entitled Fine Flowers In The Valley.
Dawud has released several internationally distributed albums since 1995, including Blue Walls And The Big Sky[2], Vacuous Waxing (with Canadian writer Bill Kocher) and A Different Drum (with The Fletcher Valve Drummers).
In the mid 1990's Dawud rose to international recognition for his pioneering efforts in the genre of English language nasheed (spiritual songs of a folk/world-beat style, drawn from Qur'anic tradition). He has released over 10 popular albums of spiritual nasheed since 1996, including A Whisper of Peace (1996), Colors Of Islam (1998), Road To Madinah (1999) and The Prophet's Hands (2002), all released through US based media company Sound Vision.Com. His spiritual songs for children are sung and taught in schools world wide.
During his career Dawud has collaborated with the likes of Stephen Fearing, Irshad Khan, Danny Thompson, Yusuf Islam (aka Cat Stevens), Chris McKhool, Sami Yusuf and Zain Bhikha.
Wharnsby's songs have also found their way onto the recordings of other notable artists. His popular children's songs "Sing, Children of The World!" and "Al Khaliq" were both covered by Yusuf Islam & Friends on the 2004 CD "I Look I See" (Jamal Records) and his song "A Whisper of Peace" was included by Canadian children's performer Chris McKhool on the CD "Celebrate!".
Dawud also appears on the 2006 album release by South African artist Zain Bhikha entitled "Allah Knows", performing a cover of "Flowers Are Red" by Harry Chapin along with other duet and backing vocals.
In April 2007 Dawud - as an artist and representative of his own music publishing entity Enter Into Peace - signed a distribution deal with Dubai based world music label Beloved Musika making his latest musical work more easily available globally.
May 2007 his 2005 album "Vacuous Waxing" was re-issued internationally through Beloved Musika with an amended track-listing under the title "The Poets And The Prophet".
September 3, 2007 Dawud released "Out Seeing The Fields", co-produced with LA based pianist Idris Phillips). Idris Phillips and Dawud Wharnsby continue to record and tour world-wide, known as Dawud & Idris.
Dawud Wharnsby was featured as a guest vocalist and lyricist on the 2007 album "Man Ana?" by French singer/songwriter Khalid Belrhouzi.
As a television personality, Dawud has hosted programs produced in conjunction with Canada's Vision TV, the National Film Board of Canada [4], Al Huda TV (Saudi Arabia) and BBC Scotland.
Most notably, the internationally distributed documentary series "A New Life In A New Land: The Muslim Experience In Canada" (produced in Canada) and the educational children's program "Watch Celebrations:Ramadan" (produced by BBC Scotland) often air on television stations in their respective countries - both programs hosted, and partially scored, by Wharnsby.
Since the mid 1990's, Dawud Wharnsby has been a regular free-lance writer, actor, assistant puppeteer and musical soundtrack producer for video products produced by Chicago based educational media entity Sound Vision.Com (primarily, the globally popular children's video series "Adam's World").
Dawud has also hosted community talk radio programs in both Canada and the USA. In 2004/2005 he was a music director, pre-recorded segment producer/narrator, guest and occasional on-air host with the daily talk-radio program Radioislam, 1450 AM, in Chicago, Illinois.
Due to the popularity of Dawud's educational recordings for children, he frequently visits schools world-wide between his larger concert tours. Through music and unique discussion, Dawud's motivational primary and high school level presentations promote tolerance, diversity and social cohesion. Wharnsby has performed at schools in Canada, The United States, The United Kingdom, Egypt, Malaysia and South Africa.
As a social activist, Dawud Wharnsby Ali also lectures internationally at community events and universities, speaking on topics related to social justice, disability awareness, music, spirituality or Qur'anic philosophy, tradition and ideology.
Royalties from many of Dawud's musical recordings feed a private family trust supporting the Al-Imtiaz Foundation and school, located in Abbottabad Pakistan. Other funds raised through Wharnsby's many albums support the Small Kindness charity set up by artist and peace activist Yusuf Islam.
Personal life
Married in 2003, Dawud Wharnsby Ali currently lives with his wife in Colorado, U.S., but also keeps bases in his hometown of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, and in his wife's birth-place of Abbottabad, Pakistan. The couple have also lived in Damascus, Syria (2005) and Cairo, Egypt (2006).
Though family ties do exist, Dawud (David) Wharnsby-Ali is not to be confused with film editor (and husband of actress Sarah Polley) David Wharnsby, also a native of the Kitchener-Waterloo area.[5] Other notable Canadian talents linked to Dawud Wharnsby-Ali are sports writer Tim Wharnsby and former Canadian hockey player, sports announcer and member of parliament Howie Meeker.
Religious philosophy
In 1993, David Wharnsby embraced the teachings and philosophy of The Qur'an, changing his name to "Dawud" (Arabic: داوود ) - the Arabic form of "David" - and adopted the name "Ali" (Arabic: علي) to his surname.
Wharnsby makes a strong differentiation between the application of Qur'anic teachings to his life-style and what he perceives as a general misconception that he "converted" from the "religion" of "Christianity" to the "religion" of "Islam" in 1993.[6]
Rejecting the concept of organized religion in his teens, Wharnsby's music, writings, performances and numerous interviews consistently propagate an opinion that the development of spirituality should be intimate, personal and free of institutionalization.[7] Wharnsby's views, however, on the implementation of positive social action (inspired by well-balanced spiritual development) should be collective, non-exclusive and community focussed.
Though his writings and life-style openly reflect his respect of scripture, a belief in God, and implementation of Qur'anic teachings, Wharnsby does not consider himself a "member" of any organization, institution, movement or dogmatic school of thought. However, his support of humanitarian efforts world-wide sees him working regularly with diverse institutions rooted in various traditions and faith communities. In the past, Wharnsby has been affiliated with, or assisted in fundraising efforts for, Red Cross/Red Crescent (Qatar/Pakistan), Islamic Relief (U.S./UK) and the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada).
Solo work
* Out Seeing The Fields (Enter Into Peace/Beloved Musika, 2007)
* The Poets And The Prophet (Enter Into Peace/Beloved Musika, 2007)
* Vacuous Waxing (Enter Into Peace, 2005)
* Love Strong - CD Single (Enter Into Peace, 2004)
* The Prophet's Hands (Sound Vision, 2003)
* Sunshine, Dust And The Messenger (Sound Vision, 2002)
* The Letter - Songs Of Struggle And Hope (Enter Into Peace/Sound Vision, 1999)
* The Road To Madinah (Sound Vision, 1998)
* The Colours Of Islam (Enter Into Peace/Sound Vision, 1998)
* A Whisper of Peace (Enter Into Peace/Sound Vision, 1996)
* Blue Walls And The Big Sky (Enter Into Peace, 1995)
Collaborative work
* Man Ana? (With Khalid Belrhouzi (Jamal Records, 2007)
* Allah Knows (With Zain Bhikha) (Jamal Records, 2006)
* I Look I See (With Yusuf Islam) (Jamal Records, 2005)
* Celebrate! Holidays of The Global Village (With Chris McKhool) (Independent, 2005)
* Expressions of Faith (Various Artists) (MCB, 2005 - UK Release only)
* Days of Eid (Various Artists) (Sound Vision, 2004)
* Salaam (With Irfan Makki) (Sound Vision, 2003)
* In Praise of The Last Prophet (With Yusuf Islam and Friends) (Jamal Records, 2002)
* Bismillah (With Yusuf Islam and Friends) (Jamal Records, 2001)
* Faith (With Zain Bhikha) (Jamal Records, 2001)
* Light Upon Light (Various Artists) (Sound Vision, 2000)
* Fine Flowers in The Valley (With Heather Chappell) (Three Keyed Maple Seeds, 1994)
* Off To Reap The Corn (With Heather Chappell) (Three Keyed Maple Seeds, 1993)
[edit] Narrative work
* Companions of The Prophet (Sound Vision, 2004)
* A Simple Guide To Prayer (With Yusuf Islam) (Mountain Of Light, 2001)
* Timeless Wisdom Volume 1 (Sound Vision, 2001)
* Timeless Wisdom Volume 2 (Sound Vision, 2001)
* 40 Hadith (Introduced by Dawud Wharnsby) (Sound Vision, 2000)
* Gifts of Muhammad (Introduced by Dawud Wharnsby) (Sound Vision, 2000)
Music videos
* Midnight (2006)
* Midnight (short film version) (2006)
* Allah Knows (with Zain Bhikha) (2006)
* You Can't Take It With You (With Zain Bhikha) (2006)
Dawud Wharnsby Ali - The Veil (HIJAB)
They say, "Oh, poor girl, you're so beautiful you know
It's a shame that you cover up your beauty so."
She just smiles and graciously responds reassuringly,
"This beauty that I have is just one simple part of me.
This body that I have, no stranger has the right to see.
These long clothes, this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.
Faith is more essential than fashion, wouldn't you agree?
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
They tell her, "Girl, don't you know this is the West and you are free?
You don't need to be opressed, ashamed of your femininity."
She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly,
"See the bill-boards and the magazines that line the check-out isles, with their phony painted faces and their air-brushed smiles?
Well their sheer clothes and low cut gowns are really not for me.
You call it freedom, I call it anarchy."
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
Lift the veil from your heart and seek the heart of purity.
Nasheed: About Muhammad (pbuh)
This song is based on a true story from the Hadith. The singer/talker in the story is an old lady talking to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), but she does not know that he is the prophet. When she learns, she embraces Islam.
“It would be such a pleasure to have you come along with me,
I accept your gracious offer of kindness and company.
But as we walk along young man,
And as you help me with my load,
I have only one request as we travel down this road:
Don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
Because of him there is no peace and I have trouble in my mind,
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
And as we walk along together we will get along just fine,
As we walk along together we will get along.
That man upsets me so,
So much more than you could know.
I hear of his name,
And reputation everywhere I go.
Though his family and his clan,
Once knew him as an honest man,
He’s dividing everyone,
With his claim that God is one,
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
Because of him there is no peace and I have trouble in my mind,
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
And as we walk along together we will get along just fine,
As we walk along together we will get along.
He’s mislead all the weak ones, and the poor ones and the slaves,
They think they’ve all found wealth and freedom following his ways.
He’s corrupted all the youth with his twisted brand of truth,
Convinced them that they all are strong,
Giving them somewhere to belong.
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad
Because of him there is no peace and I have trouble in my mind,
So don’t talk to me about Muhammad.
And as we walk along together we will get along just fine,
As we walk along together we will get along.
Thank you now young man, you’ve really been so kind,
Your generosity and smile are very rare to find.
Let me give you some advice,
Since you’ve been so very nice:
From Muhammad stay away,
Don’t heed his words or emulate his way,
And don’t talk about Muhammad.
You will never have true peace and trouble is all you will find,
So don’t talk about Muhammad.
And as you travel down life’s road you will get along just fine.
Now before we part and go,
If it’s all right just the same,
May I ask my dear young man,
Who are you? What’s your name?
Forgive me what was that?
Your words weren’t very clear,
My ears are getting old,
Sometimes it’s difficult to hear.
It’s truly rather funny,
Though I’m sure I must be wrong.
But I thought I heard you said,
Your name is Muhammad.
Muhammad… Ash hadu an la ilaha illallah
Wash hadu ana Muhammadur rasulullah
Oh! talk to me Muhammad.
Upon you I pray for peace,
For you have eased my troubled mind,
Oh! talk to me Muhammad.
And as we walk along together we will get along just fine
As I travel down life’s road I will get along…just fine.”
Nasheed Dawud Wharnsby Ali: Story of Ibrahim(AS)
The Story Of Ibrahim (nasheed)
Father, O Father, why do you do it?
Why do you whittle all day?
Why do you carve those statues of wood
And fashion those idols out of clay?
Father, O Father, why do you do it?
Why do you bow down and pray?
To all those empty gods you’ve made
When there’s such a far better way?
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
Lord of both the earth and sky
Who knows all the answers to where, what and why.
There is only one god,
La ilaha illallah.
I've looked to the sky, seen the moon and stars
Come then quickly fade away.
I’ve seen the sun so strong and bright,
Die at the end of the day.
I’ve seen the perfection of all creation,
in every creature and leaf,
And I don’t understand any woman or man,
Who denies the one true belief.
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
who will not fade and who will not die
who knows all the answers to where, what and why
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
People, O people, why won’t you heed
My call to the Straight Way?
Your hearts are as hard as the idols you carve.
You listen but won’t hear a word that I say.
People, O people, why put your faith
In gods of gold and wood?
They crumble away, they have no life.
They cause no harm and they do no good.
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
I don’t understand why you choose to deny
that Allah knows all the answers to where, what and why.
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
People, O people, you’ve tried to break me
You’ve called me a fool and a liar.
But I will not burn in your flames
For faith in Allah will cool any fire.
So hate me or hurt me, do what you will
Even banish me from this land,
I will pray to Allah that the truth comes to you
And I pray that some day you will all understand
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
Lord of both the earth and sky
Who will not fade and who will not die
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
No, I don’t understand why you choose to deny
that Allah knows all the answers to where, what and why
There is only one god
La ilaha illallah
Sunday, March 2, 2008
About This Video
Added: June 24, 2007
The truth about the Palestine Israel conflict
The truth about the Palestine Israel conflict 2
History of Conflict part 1
About This Video
Added: September 19, 2006
In this three part series, Charles Smith, professor of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona gives an account of the history of Palestine and Israel. In the first part Smith describes the period from the first wave of Zionist immigrants up to the end of the British mandate in 1948. The second part takes us from the foundation of the State of Israel to the 1967 war and the occupation of the West Bank. In the third segment, Smith covers the 1967 and 1973 wars, the land-for-peace agreement with Egypt up to the Olso Accords and the first and second intifadas. Producer: John Odam (2006)
Alternate Focus is available on the Dish Network, Free Speech TV, Channel 9415, Saturdays at 8:00pm EST and on cable stations near you. Check website for details
History of a Conflict Part Two
History of a Conflict Part Three
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Unbiased Coverage:The Israel-Palestine Conflict Part 1
About This Video
Added: October 19, 2007
Alternate Focus - Broadcasting The Other Side Of The Story
Alison Weir ( the founder of IF AMERICANS KNEW ), the editor of a small-town newspaper in California, knew very little about the Israeli-Palestinian ... all conflict, other than what she had gleaned from the evening news or newspaper headlines. As a journalist, her attention was on issues much closer to home. Neither a muslim nor a jew, she nevertheless became more curious about the topic of the Palestinian uprising. And as she researched it, she became increasingly suspicious that the American media were not telling us the whole story. Months later, she traveled to the occupied territories as an independent journalist to find out for herself what the U.S. media seemed to be omitting. Three months after returning from Palestine, Alison Weir quit her job and founded If Americans Knew, an organization dedicated to quantifying the ways in which the American media was misinforming the public about the conflict. Ms. Weir explains her group's methodology, analyzes the data, and reports on the key findings. Producers: Paul Chek and John Odam (2006)
Alternate Focus is available on the Dish Network, Free Speech TV, Channel 9415, Saturdays at 8:00pm EST and on cable stations near you. Check website for details.
Part 2
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